RC Actual Questions in NCAT 2023

Q1-5. Read the passage given below carefully and choose the best answer for each of the questions that follow it.

Motivations for ruralism in under developed countries are understandably different from those in developed countries. There, it is sheer physical necessity for the very act of man’s survival. In the
Third World countries, which are predominantly rural, the only lever that can lift human life above its present subhuman level, is rural development. Rural life in such countries has been stagnating for centuries. Nothing worthwhile has been done to ameliorate the conditions of the rural population which is only slightly different from that of their quadruped counterparts. Ignorance, ill health and poverty have become synonyms of rural life in the undeveloped and underdeveloped countries. The worst tragedy is that the concerned human populations have taken this state of affairs for granted, as something unalterable, something for which there is no remedy. Every ray of hope has gone out of their lives. In such countries, rural development is the inevitable condition of any material or non material advancement. As such, enlightened sections of all such countries have been taking ever growing interest in the question of rural development.
This was also part of the legacy of their freedom struggle. In countries like India, it is well known that attempts at rural development were an inseparable part of the Independence movement. Leaders like Gandhiji realized quite well that ‘Real India’ lived in her stagnating villages. Cities, which were mostly the products of western colonialism, were just artificial showpieces. Even there, there were two worlds. The posh areas, where the affluent few, mostly the products and custodians of imperial interest lived, were little islands engulfed by the vast ocean of dirt, represented by the vast majority of people. Cities were by no means unknown to India, but in ancient India, they were integral parts, organically related to the rest of the country and society. Modern cities are exotic centres of commercial and industrial exploitation. Cities in ancient India were the flowers of cultural and artistic excellence of the nation, modern cities are just parasites, preying on and debilitating the country. Hence Gandhiji started the ‘Go to Village Movement’ which alone, according to him, could bring freedom to India and sustain it. Rural development had the pride of place in his strategy for the nation’s freedom. Thus, it had its origin in the freedom struggle

1. People are taking growing interest in rural development because
a. nothing worthwhile can be done in the near future.
b. they have now become optimistic about it.
c. they have realized the indispensability of it.
d. they have been suffering from severe health problems


c. they have realized the indispensability of it.

2. Which of the following is the ‘lever’ according to the passage?
a. Upliftment of the rural masses
b. Enlightenment of certain sections of the society
c. Non-material advancement
d. Stagnation of rural life


a. Upliftment of the rural masses

3. Which of the following statements is not true in the context of the passage?
a. Most of the rich people dwelling in modern cities are genuinely concerned about rural development.
b. Rural development is a prerequisite of any other advancement and progress.
c. The rural folk in the Third World countries feel that their subhuman condition cannot be improved.
d. Only rural development can raise the standard of living of people in the Third World countries.


Most of the rich people dwelling in modern cities are genuinely concerned about rural development.

4. Which of the following best describes the two divergent worlds of the modern cities?
a. Commercial and industrial exploitation
b. Patrons of western products and custodians of imperial interests
c. A few rich people and many poor people
d. Posh area and affluent people



5. Which of the following statements is true in the context of the passage?
a. The rural folk are very optimistic about improvement in their condition.
b. In the present context, ignorance, poverty and ill health are inseparable parts of rural life.
c. Most of the Third World countries are undergoing fast urbanisation.
d. India’s struggle for freedom has been considered as a part of rural development



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